Expert Seminar: ‘Challenges for National Urban Policy’ May 11, 2021, ZOOM

The Institute for Urban and Regional Development is working on updating the National Urban Policy – a programme document of key importance for the development of metropolises, cities and towns, which determines the actions of the legislator and government administration. This act, obligatory under the Act on the Principles of Development Policy, is therefore not only necessary, but also important. The analytical and conceptual work is carried out by the IRMiR employees, as well as by the experts invited to cooperation, including experts from the Metropolitan Institute. Dr. Katarzyna Szlachetko is involved in work on including the counteracting artificial light pollution in the NUP. During the seminar she will give a paper on the need to include the LP problem in urban policy.
The 4th Planning and Spatial Development Law Congress, March 18-19, 2021, Click Meeting
Outdoor lighting is an element of spatial order. Unfortunately, the Polish legislator does not provide legal solutions that would make it possible to combat the uncontrolled installation of lighting devices through planning acts. This implies the ineffectiveness of counteracting light pollution, especially in highly urbanized areas.
Dr Katarzyna Szlachetko will talk more about the role of spatial planning in counteracting light pollution on the first day of the Congress.
Conference “Modeling Metropolitan Self-Government. Part I: Scope of activity and public tasks”, 25-26 February 2021, ZOOM

Light pollution is a universal problem. It occurs in towns and villages alike, but in metropolitan areas it is a cumulative phenomenon. Research conducted by the Laboratory of Artificial Light Pollution Monitoring at the Cracow University of Technology shows that in Poland about 85 percent of areas are exposed to the phenomenon of the so-called sky glow. Particularly vulnerable are metropolitan areas, which ‘shine the brightest’. Modeling of the future metropolitan government must consider a reflection on providing it with the mandatory tasks in the field of environmental protection, including issues related to the prevention of artificial light pollution.
During the first day of the Conference Dr Katarzyna Szlachetko will deliver a paper entitled ‘Light pollution as a challenge for the metropolitan self-government. Needs and postulates’.