About the programe

‘GOOD LIGHT LAW’ is an original research program of Dr. Katarzyna Szlachetko carried out at the Metropolitan Institute. The program focuses on the legal aspects of counteracting artificial light pollution. The mission is to draw attention to the need and importance of ‘good law’ in the design and implementation of outdoor lighting. 

The International Dark-Sky Association defines light pollution as ‘the inappropriate or excessive use of artificial light that can have serious environmental consequences for humans, wildlife, and our climate’ [https://www.darksky.org/light-pollution]. The source of the problem is primarily improper outdoor lighting that causes light to ‘escape’ into the sky.This matter is multidisciplinary. Scientists have no doubts that artificial light pollution has negative influence on human health, disturbs natural biological rhythm of animal life (especially nocturnal species) and photoperiodism of plants, makes astronomical observations difficult or impossible, threatens road traffic safety and finally contributes to climate change and energy wastage. It is definitely not possible to effectively counteract the negative effects of light pollution without good legal regulations. The program aims to analyze the legal and administrative aspects of this phenomenon, search for optimal normative solutions for counteracting and reducing light pollution, create scientific and political discourse in this field.